domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Session 5: Death Penalty

In my opinion, I don´t believe in Death Penalty. I believe that no human being has the power nor the right on another person to finish the live to somebody. It happens to take the rights of each person, even so the crime committed is very high.
The death isn´t a punishment, but the passage to another better life, that for my opinion and my religious thought. But I believe in the punishment as good, I mean, to learn of the committed errors and to be able to amend them. For example those people who are judged by violations or murders, or some other type of crimes, before dying, I believe that they must pay by the errors, and at the same time to recover themselves and maybe become rehabilitated people. Obviously if these people will never be "normal" ,the long penalties are good in these cases. The death is definitively the easy way, but not the good one.
Countries like USA, Guatemala, Japan, India and others, have not abolished the death penalty. For example in China, the political corruption is punished with the death penalty... And is here when I think to myself... So free what we are? How to condemn a person to only think of a different way?! And also is here when I feel happy for living in Chile and not in these countries that see this like the best of the solutions.

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