sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

My favorite animal..EVER!

When I was in 1° grade at school, I have to give a disertation for my classmates about an animal, but chosen by the teacher.
That animal was the chinchilla, and chinchilla is actually my favorite animal.
I have good memories about my school times and I still remember a lot of the disertation, amazing don´t you think? considering that I was 6 years old.
The chinchillas are small nocturnal mammals rodents, native from the Cordillera de los Andes, they live in Bolivia, Perú, and of course Chile. They feed on fruits, plants, insects and seeds. In the wild they live about 10 years, but as pets they reach up the 25 years of age. Females are bigger than males ( maybe that means... females are smarter? jaja).
Chinchillas are one of the animals with the best of coat. But its wonderful silky hair is also the direct cause of his death. It happens that they are searched by the fur industry to turn them into coats, handbags and other accessories. So, in the wild they are in danger, but in reserves, the chinchillas are safe.
In Chile, for example, there is a National Reserve of Chinchillas, sheltered by the Conaf, that ensure the safety and the care of each animal.
In the future, I´ll love to work with chinchillas, maybe in a reserve, saving them from the danger of extinction, educate the people to care the animals, specially ours. Well... to do a lot of things for my favorite animal!


sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

A dear tourist would have to...

First of all a foreigner has to eat! And a place to eat very well could be "Patio Bellavista". It has excellent restaurants adn in the same place you can find some stores...to buy a souvenir from Santiago. They sell shirts, magnetos to the fridge, key rings and a whole world of things.
Near of "Patio Bellavista" you can walk a couples of blocks and find "San Cristobal Hill", you can get up throw elevator and have the greatest view of our city... but I have to say that it would be greater after a rain...anyway jijiji.
If it´s ski season a foregner friend would have to go to Vallen Nevado, La Parve, or some other ski resort, and if not, the tourist have to go to "Cajón del Maipo", a really wonderful site, and spend time with the nature and realx, or do some extreme sport like rafting and experience adrenalineeee!
Also must to visit the Pablo Neruda´s home "La Chascona". Neruda is considered internationality, moreover, the house it´s really beautiful and big, and full of entertainment things.
Finally, he would have to visit "Plaza de Armas" , considered as the historical center of Santiago. In there you can take pictures , cartoon yourself and take a nice and funny memory from your travel.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Session 5: Death Penalty

In my opinion, I don´t believe in Death Penalty. I believe that no human being has the power nor the right on another person to finish the live to somebody. It happens to take the rights of each person, even so the crime committed is very high.
The death isn´t a punishment, but the passage to another better life, that for my opinion and my religious thought. But I believe in the punishment as good, I mean, to learn of the committed errors and to be able to amend them. For example those people who are judged by violations or murders, or some other type of crimes, before dying, I believe that they must pay by the errors, and at the same time to recover themselves and maybe become rehabilitated people. Obviously if these people will never be "normal" ,the long penalties are good in these cases. The death is definitively the easy way, but not the good one.
Countries like USA, Guatemala, Japan, India and others, have not abolished the death penalty. For example in China, the political corruption is punished with the death penalty... And is here when I think to myself... So free what we are? How to condemn a person to only think of a different way?! And also is here when I feel happy for living in Chile and not in these countries that see this like the best of the solutions.