martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog!!!
I´m Constanza, but if you want, just call me Coni or Cona , is shorter!
Well, I never tought I will have a blog in english! I don´t even know if i am writing right, but i do my best!
I´m 18 years old and there isn´t so much to talk about myself... I have a little yellow bird named "Nose", so original! xD, and a sweet little dog named Sussy!
I LOVE Animals! and I hate Chemestry ...JUST A LITTLE BIT! jijiji

I hope to continue learning english and someday be completely bilingual, I believe that the english knowledge gives you many facilities in your life.
Bye bye!

4 comentarios:

DaniDíaz 12 de mayo de 2009, 19:33  

hahaha Cona you are not the only one who hates chemistry!

Very original the name of your bird! You have an amazing imagination!

Bye Coona, See you at college!

Karu 13 de mayo de 2009, 10:00  

Coni! jajajajajjaa I hate chemistry too! really... I hate that will ALLLLL MY HEART jajajajaja
I have a question... your bird is called "Nariz" or "Nose"? jajjaja sorry! I'm so slow too understand some things...

Fernii 13 de mayo de 2009, 17:20  

Cona! why you hate chemistry? it's so nice jajajaj ¬¬ yeah sure! I want to meet Susy :D and of course "Nose" [he can be friend of Wisin =P]
See you in class! :D bye

Paula Treuer 13 de mayo de 2009, 17:50  

your dog's name is sussy?? XD, why people use those humans name in dogs, if you tell me sussy" i would think you're talkin' about a sister jajaj. I like your photo in the train :D