miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

session 2

My favorite peace of technolgy is my laptop, also known as a notebook.
It is a personal computer designed for mobile use. I got it in 22 January 2007 for my birthday, and i was really happy for that!! it is white and so cute!

Well, the laptop isn´t a peace of technology too hard to use, in fact is easy and funny!
I use it everyday, for a lot of things. For example, when i´m boring i can use it for play a game, or go to the Internet and go to Facebook, or another page of Internet. I like to listen music, EVERYDAY! so i can download music from Ares ( a program for that), and listen new music.
Mmm there are many things that i can do with my laptop! I can chat with my friends, watch pictures of my family, to do the works for the College, looking for information for my tests and another things. That´s why i like so much my laptop! `cause i can use it for a lot of things!

... BUt honestly , i think that it isn`t a peace of technology that i couldn`t live without it... in fact before that i got it, my life was the same.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog!!!
I´m Constanza, but if you want, just call me Coni or Cona , is shorter!
Well, I never tought I will have a blog in english! I don´t even know if i am writing right, but i do my best!
I´m 18 years old and there isn´t so much to talk about myself... I have a little yellow bird named "Nose", so original! xD, and a sweet little dog named Sussy!
I LOVE Animals! and I hate Chemestry ...JUST A LITTLE BIT! jijiji

I hope to continue learning english and someday be completely bilingual, I believe that the english knowledge gives you many facilities in your life.
Bye bye!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Hey! i don´t know what i´m doing! sorry i´m just writing something . i´m learning! ;)