viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Self assessment about my first academic year

By 2009 I went to study this race ... Veterinary Medicine
The previous way was easier for me. I did a good pre-university, but I knew I wouldn´t need a special score to enter the career I always wanted. The school was easy (and of course I say this having gone through my first year in college)
I entered with enthusiasm, good spirits, motivated, believing that it wouldn´t be a difficult task, but not without its challenges ... but I never thought that these challenges are so difficult that I made and some ... impossible. Of course, as time went on I realized what a mess I had gotten
Well, the early days of course, everything was rosy, but as time passed and the classes were going on, things got more difficult. The typical truth: the school does not compare at all with the university
To be honest the first half of the year I didn´t put so much effort as they should, and anyway I was not wrong. Zoology was pure memory, math was hard but I think it cost me so much. of the other classes do not remember. Yes I was bad considering that I failed chemistry but I have to compare the level of effort that started: Just say a little more than they did in school.
But then came the second part of the year and there begins my nightmare.
You get a new classmates and I'll form new friendships. Sales, have fun and the truth, I lost a lot of time on fun instead of studying. Some friends needed much less time to study, but of course, I needed much more time. And that I realized quite late. By failing chemistry, i have to say that my biochemistry became impossible. Everything took too much aa lightly, as it didn´t matter that I was wrong, I walked as elsewhere, I had no feet in the ground. Other branches also took them too lightly, I couldn´t see the downside to failing a class, like I did everything as the same. I think it was too immature, despite having already fallen in the first half, could not understand the importance of the case. As you can see, my second half was total failure, but with a great moral.

Well, one should always make the best of every experience, in this case I had to learn not to give up and have to start giving more than 100% of himself. The quiet at the end is there, give the best of himself, but could not, at least I gave it all ... well ... My consolation: everything happens for something
We hope this year will be better! English classmates goodbye!